Thursday, April 14, 2011

Post instantly from your mobile device

Just imagine the clasroom implications...

Sent from my iPhone


  1. Thanks, Crysten, for setting this up for us! This is a perfect forum for us to exchange ideas.

  2. 1) Items on curriculum survey- Changing semesters for Jekyll and Hyde/Animal Farm. I may think of more, but this is the big one. Suggestions for type of writing appropriate to specific maps?

    2) Sessions for district- Pat Jacoby, Bernabei, reading strategies, writing strategies geared toward the STAAR.

    3) Action Learning Teams- I think the best course might be to keep those same people from the sessions in ALT teams and give them a chance to discuss applications from what they have learned. The ALT teams would be different each time.

    4)Let's let our teachers decide where they want to go. If we have a suggestion for a session that might interest a particular person, we can make it to that individual teacher.

    I hope I did this right :)
